Actualités :  / Agency Overview
In the 5 years since its creation, OMEGA is one of the leading consultancy firm in DRC
Company created in March 2010;
A core team of 7 consultants, coming from local & International market research firms and with long experience in research
- 84 Interviewers for Field Work in all DRC regions
  *16 Field Work Supervisors
- 8 Data-entry assistants
- 3 Data Analysts
- 7 consultant (Statician, expert in various domaine & Professor of University)
Source : 
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Riposte au VIH/SIDA dans la province du HAUT-KATANGA en 2017

Riposte au VIH/SIDA dans la province du HAUT-KATANGA en 2017 136.573 femmes enceintes ont bénéficié du test de dépistage contre 7.821 partenaires masculins
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